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We are happy that you would like to register for the following event:

Meet EBS on tour

Schedule your study counselling or selection interview at your location and take the next step in your study decision with us!

Would you like to get to know EBS Universität at your location and gain a first impression in a personal meeting? Or are you already one step ahead and would like to organise your selection interview in your area? Then arrange your individual study counselling or a selection interview for your desired degree programme now. Our student advisors will be happy to help you personally.

Simply use the form to register for an appointment at a location near you. Our student advisors will then contact you personally to arrange a suitable time together.

No suitable appointment? Feel free to contact us directly if none of the mentioned dates fits your schedule.  Otherwise, if you prefer an online counselling appointment you can book your appointment directly here.

*New locations and dates are constantly being added to the list.

Date selection
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We hereby comply with our information obligation in accordance with Art. 13/14/21 GDPR. Personal data about you will be processed. Please also note our imprint and our data policy.

You can revoke your consent to processing at any time with effect for the future. To do this, contact the data protection officer.

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We use third party website tracking technologies to provide and continuously improve our services. I agree to this and can revoke or change my consent at any time with effect for the future.

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