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We are happy that you would like to register for the following event:

Open Day of EBS Universität

5. April 2025, 10:30 AM

EBS Campus Rheingau - Schloss

Get a taste of campus life and take the opportunity to meet students and professors at EBS Universität. Find out what makes studying at EBS so special.

Our university management will welcome you personally and our student advisors will give you an insight into the various degree programmes. Take a campus tour with our students and talk to our professors over snacks and drinks. You are welcome to bring friends and family to this event.

We look forward to welcoming you in person!

Your programme as a potential student:

  • Arrival 10:30-11:00 a.m.
  • Welcome by the university management
  • Campus tour with students
  • Short info sessions for each study programme followed by a sample lecture
  • Q&A with professors
  • Event ends around 2:30 p.m.

Who is this event for?

All people interested in studying business administration and law, whether interested in a Bachelor's, Master's or MBA degree, as well as all those interested in EBS Universität are welcome to attend.


Your personal details:
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We hereby comply with our information obligation in accordance with Art. 13/14/21 GDPR. Personal data about you will be processed. Please also note our imprint and our data policy.

You can revoke your consent to processing at any time with effect for the future. To do this, contact the data protection officer.

At this event, photos and/or videos may be taken which will be published on our website and on our social media channels. By participating in the event, you consent to being photographed/filmed and agree to the publication of your images.
Please contact us or the photographer if you do not wish to be photographed, or contact us at marketing@ebs.edu.

We process the data of the other participants for the purpose of preparing and conducting the event.

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